Tuesday, January 9, 2018

XenialPup 7.5 Linux and Etcher.io USB Flash writer

Test Drive XenialPup 7.5 with a UEFI and Legacy BIOS both supported.  Booting Live Linux from a USB flash drive
  1. Create a new folder in your home directory.  
  2. Download XenialPup 7.5 .ISO file into this new folder.   xenialpup-7.5-uefi.iso
  3. Download Etcher.io application program version 1.3.1 or later

    v1.3.1 - 2018-01-23

    and install this Etcher.io program into your MS Windows operating system (or MacOS or Linux 32 bit or 64 bit).
  4. Insert a blank USB Flash drive into USB socket on your computer. 
  5. Execute  the Etcher program.  Select XenialPup 7.5 .ISO file.  Then select the USB Flash drive. Now start the process to write the selected .ISO file into the selected usb flash drive.  This will overwrite the previous contents of that usb flash drive.  None of the previous contents of the usb flash drive will be saved!

Etcher.io  Ether.io the USB Flash Drive and SD memory card writer

XenialPup 32bit Forum Posts


Wikibooks entry for Puppy_Linux

https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Puppy_Linux  Introduction to PuppyLinux Slacko

Youtube Video Links for XenialPup 7.5


Yonn Lopez XenialPUP 7.5, Compatible with Ubuntu 16.04 'Xenial Xerus'